TYC users may below request amendments and additional TYC features and functions.

Client feedback


Functions and features of the TYC database

The TYC database is an independent database for documenting and transferring product sustainability claims along the entire value chain.

The TYC database is an independent database for documenting and transferring product sustainability claims along the entire value chain. Users can rely on highest data security standards regarding account data, supplier and customer information. Only the users have access to their account. They can up- and download important information and documents needed for account or batch documentation. Batch related documents can be transferred to customers attached to the claim. TYC will provide access to other eligible databases especially databases set up by EU Member States and provide exactly the data needed to comply with national requirements. Client needs are cared for via the TYC feedback function.


  • Automatic and harmonized transfer of sustainability characteristics from point of biomass origin to the end-product 
  • Possibility to add further sustainability information under each element of the value chain (e.g. Added GHG information of biomass cultivation, processing and transport)
  • Automatic documentation of product-relevant information on proofs of sustainability or delivery notes
  • Increased security that the product complies with sustainability requirements
  • Enables online audits and cost reduction
  • No hassle with improper documentation of sustainability proofs and delivery notes from suppliers

Client accounts

Clients can set up individual accounts for any element of the supply chain. Access to the account is restricted to the user only and auditors if access is permitted by the user for a limited period of time. This may enable auditors to perform efficient online audits instead of costly on-site visits. Other third parties have no access to any of the clients account, supplier or customer data. For credibility and security reasons clients can only transfer product claims which they have received via the TYC database. Both physical transfers and back to back trades are supported by the TYC database. 

Further features

  • Easy registration
  • Highest data security standards regarding account data, supplier and customer information
  • Easy upload of relevant account data
  • Upload of relevant raw material data and further sustainability characteristics
  • Generation of as well as up- and download of account and product claim related documents   
  • Clear platform for managing receipt of raw materials, conversion of raw materials and dispatch of products
  • Automatic transfer of product claims into relevant databases (e.g. Member States databases like Nabisy)
  • Free report generation