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TYC Pilot Test

The objective of the pilot test was to identify if TYC meets industry requirements for a traceability database that covers the entire supply chain for waste and residues. The participants did not only test the core functions of TYC, but also provided valuable feedback on additional functions which may facilitate the daily use of the TYC database in the future. A further goal was to provide insights into a solution for managing fraud resistant and fully traceable supply chains.

The TYC pilot focused on the supply of used cooking oil (commonly known as ‘UCO’) and UCO derived biofuels. 13 active users divided into five supply chains, including collecting points, trading companies and the manufacturing industry, took part in the pilot project and tested the functionality of TYC in a real-life environment. All of them are certified to one of the voluntary schemes recognised by the European Commission to demonstrate compliance with the EU’s sustainability criteria for biofuels set out in the RED and FQD.

As part of the next steps, TYC will develop a specification which will address the feedback of the pilot participants regarding the facilitation of a better and more intuitive layout. TYC will also conduct further independent stress tests on data security and stability.

As users requested the independence of ownership and administration of TYC, one of the important future tasks will be to work on implementation options such as a steering committee representing the relevant stakeholders (industry participants, regulators, voluntary schemes) for decision-making. Next steps will also include further communication with relevant regulators and voluntary schemes as recognised by the European Commission.